Wednesday, July 22, 2020


Beatitudes for Messies

Blessed is the Messie who realizes that laughter and love are a big part of a meaningful home. 

Laughter and love are what have gotten her and her family through the old messy times and they will add grace to the new and better organized life.


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format at 
Contents of New Ideas for Today
1. Message of the Day - ORGANIZED BUT CLUTTERED
2. Habit of the Day
3. Did You Know?
4. Family Reminder of the Day
5. Quote of the Day
6. More help here
7. Question of the Day
8. From the Trenches - PAYING BILLS
9. More Info
**Learn how to get organized with Marsha's (FREE) YouTube videos!**

***If you are having problems with Yahoo Groups mailing, you can subscribe to to receive the exact same messages.***

**The Messies Anonymous website,, is back up!  Thank you for your patience.**
1. Message of the Day


Organizing has two parts, inside and outside. Some people get their items organized and stored (Whoopie! That's great!) but somehow the house doesn't look as good as they thought it would. What's the matter? A little four letter word is missing when they look around the room. That word is NEAT.

They have a place for everything but things are not put back into their place quickly enough. While they are sitting around waiting to be ushered back into their homes, they make the house look messy.

The solution is to neaten the house as you go. Never leave something out "just for now." That is the kiss of neatness death. Do you need to put it back? Put on speed twix the need and the deed. In other words, swoosh it right back in immediately. If you slip up and leave it out, zip it in as soon as you notice it.

Perhaps it is not happenstance that "neat" rhymes with the modern meaning of "sweet," meaning "very, very nice."

2. Habit of the Day

Commit to this for just this one day.

AVOID CLUTTER - Don't pick it up later; put it up now.
(You might want to put this one on a card and post it around the house for yourself and others.)
You know the war cry, "STOW AS YOU GO!"

3. Did You Know?

The SOS program synthesizes top organizing classes into a Master’s level organizing curriculum. Only $27 per month.  Click here for more information.

4. Family Reminder of the Day

Pick one of these reminders or make one of your own to share
with your family each day.

In our family, we make sure all trash goes into the trash basket.

In our family, we value and thank each other for the contribution each makes.

5. Quote of the Day

"Space is not something to fill with beauty. Space is beauty."

A decorator who advises real estate companies on how to improve the houses they have for sale suggests removing pieces of furniture. "It pumps up the beauty of the house to have more empty spaces," she said.
Ummm, there is a new idea!

6. More help here:

The NEW and IMPROVED K.I.S.S. (KEEP IT SUPER SIMPLE) Flipper is available!

The  K.I.S.S. Flipper has fresh ideas on how to move through your home, day by day, room by room, with simple choices for maintenance and organizing. It will gently guide you through the process of creating clear and shining surfaces throughout out your home!

With the NEW K.I.S.S. Flipper all you have to do to is FLIP through the spiral-bound,
sequentially numbered, full-color job idea cards.  No more sliding cards into sleeves; 
the NEW K.I.S.S. Flipper is ready to use out of the package.  When you are ready
to begin, make a few simple choices each day from one card and you will be on your
way to a clutter-free and well maintained home.

Free BONUS:  Once you order, you will also receive the "K.I.S.S. eBooklet" via
email to learn the "Hows and Whys" of the system while you wait for your
Flipper, so you will be ready to start the day your Flipper arrives.

Introductory price $26.00 US postage included

Go to the link below to order you NEW K.I.S.S. Flipper today.


One of a kind design for home maintenance, The Super Flipper by Sandra Felton

Preview by Yahoo


7. Question of the Day

How are you keeping your dream alive? Have you written it down? Do you have a picture from a magazine? Do you have a photo of your house at its best to keep you on
track? What is your answer?

Tell us by posting on Friends-of-The-Organizer-Lady.

8. From the Trenches (Use if applicable)

We have enough money in the bank but I have a hard time paying the bills. To try to make it easier for myself, I made 5x7 cards with one or two big paper clips to clip the bills right to the cards on the week they need to be paid. I wrote at top of one card 5th, then another card 12th, then another card 19th, then another card 25th. On the 25th card, I wrote Power Co., $125.00 even just estimating sometimes. I have a bill drawer. It is pretty important for the bills to have their own place especially when you bring the mail in. Just place them in there. Include only the bills, a pen, stamps, and extra envelopes.

(Thanks to Karen)


This is a simple program. We stick with the basics as they are presented in these messages. Keep reading. Keep adding one part of the program at a time.

Repetition is important.
Forward to friends if desired but not to other sites.
Read this whole posting or only what you can take in today, then delete it.

Don't forget the daily reminders!!!
The daily Reminders and How-To's are found on our website at "How to Begin"



Are you at home thinking about the organizing you need to get done? Take a look at our SOS program designed to jumpstart your organizing immediately. Buy now:  For more information: 


Please memorize this slogan and post it on your wall.

The secret to success is making very small, yet very consistent, changes.

Or to make it short; Baby steps, baby steps in the right direction.

Never underestimate the inevitability of gradualness.

13 © Sandra Felton 2010

THE ORGANIZER LADY® is a trademark of Sandra Felton,
founder of Messies Anonymous.

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