Sunday, March 18, 2018

Is Clutter - Physical and Emotional - Weighing You Down?

Take a moment to think about your environment—physical and emotional. 

  • Is your space clear and organized? 
  • Or is clutter weighing you down? 
  • Are you overwhelmed with "stuff"? 

It might be physical clutter like junk mail, old paperwork, or knick knacks. Or it could be mental clutter like negative emotions or a crazy, over-stuffed schedule or habits that no longer serve you. 

Does this sound like you?

If this sounds like you, I bet you feel stressed and overwhelmed. Maybe your physical health is suffering too. 

Imagine feeling like your entire life was completely organized. It IS possible. And, clearing that clutter may just transform your life! 

In fact, my colleague Leanne Pruett is on a mission to help people take control of their physical and mental clutter, and to that end, she's hosting a FREE online event, Ace Your Space: Clear Your Physical and Mental Clutter to Transform Your Life.

It starts March 19th, and you're invited to attend—and get advice from 20+ experts (including me!) in decluttering and space planning, including authors, professional organizers, interior designers and mindset gurus. 

When you join us for this series of powerful conversations, you'll discover that you're not alone—one in 11 households in the U.S. rents a storage space to hold extra belongings. The average American receives almost 15,000 pieces of junk mail in their lifetime, but doesn't use or look at 80% of the papers and info they keep. 

More importantly, you'll learn practical, actionable strategies for decluttering your physical and emotional space, including:

  • Tips and hints to declutter every area of your home, from big complicated spaces to small spaces that won't stay organized—so you can finally feel calm and centered in your space (rather than overwhelmed!)

  • Why different decluttering systems may not have worked for you in the past, and how to find a system that does work so you can use it to get and stay organized. 

  • Unique, intuitive ways to manage your mental clutter so you can keep your mind calm, quiet and stress-free.

  • Information on how to declutter your kitchen and your diet to support a healthy, lively you

  • Insight into what's available to you once you take control of your clutter … including TIME! 

  • How to make the most of your space and create a physical environment that supports and nurtures you once your clutter is gone—so you can live exactly the life you want to live, right now.

And so much more.

In short, you'll learn that with the right information and systems, you can clear your clutter and live life exactly as you want to—and you may even experience transformation beyond what you can imagine now.

Leanne is the perfect person to host this summit. Several years ago, she had a home, a diet, and a lifestyle that were all overwhelming and didn't support her. She was also watching her parents—Depression-era babies who had a tendency to save everything—struggle with too much “stuff”.

Setting out to help her family and herself, Leanne unlocked amazing results:

  • Her parents finally decluttered their unimaginable basement.
  • They moved into their dream house.
  • Leanne cleaned out her kitchen AND her diet and lost 115 pounds!

She said she's been blown away how clearing out and cleaning up her life (first her kitchen and then everything else) has opened doors for her and her family—and now she wants to give you the tools and support to experience the same transformation. 

That's why she's hosting Ace Your Space: Clear Your Physical and Mental Clutter to Transform Your Life.

I am seriously excited to listen in on this interview series, as well as speak during it, and I know you’ll love it too. So, click the link below to register now, and I’ll see you on March 19th.

Click here to register (for free), and conquer your clutter, once and for all!

To your space, aced! 

Marsha Sims

P.S. A UCLA study found a direct correlation between a woman's cortisol (stress) levels and the density of household objects. How much longer will you go on, wishing you could clear your clutter, but not knowing where to begin? This is where you start: Join the Ace Your Space event today

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