Tuesday, September 1, 2020


Plan purposefully
Prepare prayerfully
Proceed positively
Pursue persistently

Contents of New Ideas for Today
1. Message of the Day - Try Something New
2. Habit of the Day
3. Family Reminder of the Day
4. Quote of the Day
5. Question of the Day
6. Did You Know?
7. From the Trenches - Keeping Things
8. More Info
**The Messies Anonymous website, www.messies.com, is back up!  Thank you for 
your patience.**

***If you are having problems with Yahoo Groups mailing, you can subscribe to https://www.blogger.com/blogger.g?blogID=3490310591173841338#allposts to receive 
the exact same messages.***
1. Message of the Day - TRY SOMETHING NEW

When you go to the supermarket, hardware store, home improvement store, or stores 
with organizing emphasis, slow down where organizing and cleaning products are 
displayed. Keep your eyes open at stores that have organizational products. Look at 
store flyers and catalogs. Some new product might be just what you need. Without buying indiscriminately, consider whether there are new products, or old products you have 
overlooked previously, that might spark a renewed interest in getting the
job done. 

Ask yourself what is holding you back in making a change.
Is it money?
Is it habit?
Have you just not thought about it?

Messies Anonymous is all about change of habit, goals, and procedures. 

Throw open the windows of your mind and make a change for the better.

2. Habit of the Day - DO THINGS ASAP.

EMPTY THE DISHWASHER as soon as possible after it is finished washing. A full 
dishwasher causes the sink to gather dishes. Yuck! Bad habit!

Handle your mail today and every day. The daily build-up of mail and other papers is the
 single worst clutter problem. Walk to the trash can or recycle bin with the mail and discard when you first bring it in the house.

3. Family Reminder of the Day

Pick one of these reminders or make one of your own to share with your family each day.

In our family, we value each other and the contribution each makes.

In our family, we keep our closets and drawers neat.

4. Quote of the Day

"I say, let your affairs be as two or three, and not a hundred or a thousand, 
instead of a million count half a dozen, and keep your accounts on your 

Henry David Thoreau, (1817-1862)
Philosopher, author, naturalist

5. Question of the Day

What can you do that is new that will move you in the right direction? A new product? A 
new habit?

Tell us by posting on Friends-of-The-Organizer-Lady.

6. Did You Know?

You may have noticed that the new and improved
KISS Flipper is now available for purchase on the
Messies website again.

We have completely re-packaging this helpful tool!

The Keep It Super Simple Flipper concept remains
the same. It still has helpful and fun job cards, but it
is repackaged into a smaller overall size and at a
better price!!

And, probably the best news is that you don't have
do anything at all to set it up. It is completely ready
to use as soon as you take it out of the mailer!

Wow!! Great News!!  


One of a kind design for home maintenance, The Super Flipper by Sand...

Preview by Yahoo


7, From the Trenches - KEEPING THINGS

Here is a reason I kept things that turned into clutter:

It brought back feelings of love and acceptance. Things I had gotten from others that I 
never used but didn't want to part with. Looking at them made me feel special - that the
 person cared enough to go out and buy it for me. I think there was also a fear - fear that 
they would show up to my house and NOT see that particular item - how could I tell them
 that "I chucked it. "They might get offended and then they might not want to be 
my friend anymore (I was never secure in relationships).

(Thanks to Carole for the insight.)

8. More Info

Reminder: You can edit your membership at Yahoo Groups home page 
or to unsubscribe, click on the word "unsubscribe" at the very 
bottom of this post if it arrived in your email inbox

9. Extra Help 

Does your clutter secret keep you isolated?
Mary said, “I was just too embarrassed to come into this class at first, but I sure am glad
 I did!”  
Now, Organizing Mastery is my weekly organizing time… and I get so much done!

10. Free YouTube Videos

 Are you at home thinking about the organizing you need to get done? Take a
 look at our SOS program designed to jumpstart your organizing immediately. 

This is a simple program. We stick with the basics as they are presented in these
 messages. Keep reading. Keep adding one part of the program at a time.

Repetition is important.
Forward to friends if desired but not to other sites.
Read this whole posting or only what you can take in today, then delete it.

Don't forget the daily reminders!!! 
The daily Reminders and How-To's are found on our website at
"How to Begin" http://www.messies.com


Please memorize this slogan and post it on your wall.

The secret to success is making very small, yet very consistent, changes.

Or to make it short; Baby steps, baby steps in the right direction.

Never underestimate the inevitability of gradualness.

55 © Sandra Felton 2013

THE ORGANIZER LADY® is a trademark of Sandra Felton, 
founder of Messies Anonymous.

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