Wednesday, August 5, 2020


No amount of things can fill a hole in the heart.


Contents of New Ideas for Today
1. Message of the Day - ESCALATOR
2. Habit of the Day
3. Did You Know?
4. Family Reminder of the Day
5. Quote of the Day
6. Question of the Day
7. From the Trenches - CAMERA HELP
8. More Info
**Learn how to get organized with Marsha's (FREE) YouTube videos!**

***If you are having problems with Yahoo Groups mailing, you can subscribe to to receive the exact same messages.***

**The Messies Anonymous website,, is back up!  Thank you for your patience.**
1. Message of the Day

Up the Down Escalator

Have you ever tried walking upstairs on an escalator that is moving down? If you have, you know how much effort you it takes. For a little while you may be able to make some progress upward. After a while you are lucky if you can just stay in place. And finally,
the inevitable -- you are swept backward by the unrelenting force of the downward flow and plop! you are back at the bottom where you started.

Many of us feel the same way about trying to keep the house in order. The flow of clutter has us puffing to keep the house picked up properly. By working really hard we can do it for a while but fatigue inevitably wears out our resolve and the house
drifts downhill again.

Get off the down staircase of disorder. Quit trying to overcome clutter by putting forth more effort. Change your ingrained habits, reorder the setup of your house, and abandon your old ideas of how to do things. The best place to figure out how to do this
is by reading the book, Organizing for Life, that illuminates the factors that keep pushing us back.

Abandon what isn't working. Open the elevator door to new ways of thinking and acting and you will be surprised at how high it will take you.

2. Habit of the Day

Commit for just this one day.


If it takes thirty seconds or less to do, do it immediately.

3. Did You Know?

If “I want to get rid of it but I just can’t” sounds like you and if you are ready to change, this e-booklet is for you.

This is a self-help program designed to make a significant difference in three weeks’ time.

Click here to go to our webpage where you can purchase for $6.00. The e-booklet will be sent to you via email. 
Use link to read more info:


The NEW and IMPROVED K.I.S.S. Flipper

The  K.I.S.S.(Keep It Super Simple) Flipper has fresh ideas on how to move through
your home, day by day, room by room, with simple choices for maintenance and
organizing. It will gently guide you through the process of creating clear and shining
surfaces throughout out your home!

With the NEW K.I.S.S. Flipper all you have to do to is FLIP through the spiral-bound,
sequentially numbered, full-color job idea cards.  No more sliding cards into sleeves; 
the NEW K.I.S.S. Flipper is ready to use out of the package.  When you are ready
to begin, make a few simple choices each day from one card and you will be on your
way to a clutter-free and well maintained home.

Free BONUS:  Once you order, you will also receive the "K.I.S.S. e-Booklet" via
email to learn the "Hows and Whys" of the system while you wait for your
Flipper, so you will be ready to start the day your Flipper arrives.

Introductory price $26.00 US postage included

Go to the link below to order you NEW K.I.S.S. Flipper today.


One of a kind design for home maintenance, The Super Flipper by Sand...

Preview by Yahoo


4. Family Reminder of the Day

When you have pets, it is

Everyone's Responsibility For Their Daily Care And The Messes They Make 
NOT Just Mom's

(unless it is a child who has been given a particular responsibility a pet as a learning tool)! ;-)

5. Quote of the Day

Early in my career I felt that organization would destroy my creativity. Whereas now, I feel the opposite.

Discipline is the concrete that allows you to be creative.

Verna Gibson

6. Question of the Day

How does your house affect your self image?
How does your self image affect our house?
Have you begun to bring your house into line with who you really are? More importantly,
how do you want your house to reflect you?

Tell us by posting on Friends-of-The-Organizer-Lady.

7. From the Trenches - A CAMERA CAN'T LIE

Thanks for your daily suggestions. My house is looking better. I have to say the "Stow As You Go" and "10 Minute Tidy" are the best ones, but the others give me inspiration too.

I read the reader's suggestion about using a brighter bulb to notice things you might not have seen. I have found that taking a picture works better. I was happy with the way the front of my house was looking so I took a picture. It was only then that I noticed the
gutters really needed painting. Of course this works well inside the house too, though I only recommend it when you have a room pretty under control-- it is too depressing to do it earlier!!! When you look at a picture, it really lets you know what someone sees
when they look at a room. The camera does not lie.


8. More Info

Reminder: You can edit your membership at Yahoo Groups home page 
or to unsubscribe, click on the word "unsubscribe" at the very bottom of this post if it arrived in your email inbox

9. Extra Help

Does your clutter secret keep you isolated?
Mary said, “I was so cluttered before I took this class and I can’t believe the progress I am making!  My clutter is almost gone!

10. Free YouTube Videos


 Are you at home thinking about the organizing you need to get done? Take a look at our SOS program designed to jumpstart your organizing immediately. Buy now:  For more information: 

This is a simple program. We stick with the basics as they are presented in these messages. Keep reading. Keep adding one part of the program at a time.

Repetition is important.
Forward to friends if desired but not to other sites.
Read this whole posting or only what you can take in today, then delete it.

Don't forget the daily reminders!!!
The daily Reminders and How-To's are found on our website at
"How to Begin"


Please memorize this slogan and post it on your wall.

The secret to success is making very small, yet very consistent, changes.

Or to make it short, "Baby steps, baby steps" in the right direction.

"Never underestimate the inevitability of gradualness."

27 © 2012 Sandra Felton

THE ORGANIZER LADY® is a registered trademark of
Sandra Felton, founder of Messies Anonymous.

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