Monday, August 24, 2020


Motivation is a terrible thing to waste.
You need to do everything you can to keep going till you reach your dream.


Contents of New Ideas for Today
1. Message of the Day - BEHAVIOR
2. Did You Know?
3. Habit of the Day
4. Family Reminder of the Day
5. Quote of the Day
6. Question of The Day
7. From the Trenches - POT PILEUP
8. More Info
*The Messies Anonymous website,, is back up!  Thank you for your patience.*

1. Message of the Day - BEHAVIOR

When you pick up one end of the stick you automatically pick up the other.

That means: When you choose the behavior you automatically choose the consequences as well.

The condition of your house today is the result of your daily repeated choices. If your house is not changing, it is because you are not changing --- enough.

I've got good news for you. You can behave yourself to success. You don't have to wait to feel different or think different. All you need to do is act right and the house will be right. The internal change you need to continue will automatically occur with each
decision to do the right thing.

2. Did You Know?


The  K.I.S.S.(Keep It Super Simple) Flipper has fresh ideas on how to move through your home, day by day, room by room, with simple choices for maintenance and organizing. It will gently guide you through the process of creating clear and shining surfaces throughout out your home!

With the NEW K.I.S.S. Flipper all you have to do to is FLIP through the spiral-bound, sequentially numbered, full-color job idea cards.  No more sliding cards into sleeves; the NEW K.I.S.S. Flipper is ready to use out of the package.  When you are ready to begin, make a few simple choices each day from one card and you will be on your way to a clutter-free and well maintained home.

Free BONUS:  Once you order, you will also receive the "K.I.S.S. eBooklet" via email to learn the "Hows and Whys" of the system while you wait for your Flipper, so you will be ready to start the day your Flipper arrives.

Introductory price $26.00 US postage included

Go to the link below to order you NEW K.I.S.S. Flipper today.


One of a kind design for home maintenance, The Super Flipper by Sand...

Preview by Yahoo


If “I want to get rid of it but I just can’t” sounds like you and if you are ready to change, this e-booklet is for you.

This is a self-help program designed to make a significant difference in three weeks’ time.

Click here to go to our webpage where you can purchase for $6.00. The e-booklet will be sent to you via email.


3. Habit of the Day

Put forth one little extra ounce of effort. To stop short of finishing what you should do repeatedly will lead to repeated clutter. Don't do that to yourself. When you feel like stopping short, don't. Go just a little further and finish each job.

4. Family Reminder of the Day

In our family, we write what we need on the whiteboard.

In our family, we move the garbage cans out of sight when they are emptied at the curb.

5. Quote of the Day

To be what we are, and to become what we are capable of becoming is the only end of life.

Robert Louis Stevenson

6. Question of the Day

Do you have a chronic habit of leaving things out until you return to the project? Choose one area in which you will begin to return items rather than leave them out to be used later. 
Remember:  STOW AS YOU GO!

7. From the Trenches - POT PILEUP

The newest habit that I have been able to incorporate has been to wash the pots and pans as soon as I empty them. I used to empty the food from them, and then let them sit on the stove. The food would dry to a hard crust, which would take ten times as long to clean whenever I "got around to it". If I can't wash them out right away, I immediately fill them with soapy water to prevent the food from caking on. Then I try to get to it before the night is over (I rarely wait until the next day - seems that when the water gets cold and the grease floats to the top, I am less motivated to wash it than when it's full of hot,
sudsy water). This one simple habit has been a lifesaver for me - the rewards are so great that I feel it is less pain to clean them NOW, while it's easy, then the pain of waiting until LATER and discovering that the pot I needed to use right at that moment is
dirty. My once infamous "pots & pans pileup" is now a thing of my past.

Little habits can make the biggest differences!

8. More Info

This is a simple program. We stick with the basics as they are presented in these messages. Keep reading. Keep adding one part of the program at a time.

Repetition is important.
Forward to friends if desired but not to other sites.
Read this whole posting or only what you can take in today, then delete it.

Don't forget the daily reminders!!!
The daily Reminders and How-To's are found on our website at "How to Begin"
9. Extra Help
There is a new program called Organizing Mastery.
10. Free YouTube Videos

Are you still interested in getting organized?
Did you know that there is a hands-on program to help people just like you get more organized?
It’s conducted virtually by teleconference and gets you to make progress every single session.

Reminder: You can edit your membership at Yahoo Groups home page 
or to unsubscribe, click on the word "unsubscribe" at the very bottom of this post if it arrived in your email inbox


Please memorize this slogan and post it on your wall.

The secret to success is making very small, yet very consistent, changes.

Or to make it short; Baby steps, baby steps in the right direction.

Never underestimate the inevitability of gradualness.

46 © 2010 Sandra Felton

THE ORGANIZER LADY® is a trademark of Sandra Felton,
founder of Messies Anonymous.

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