Tuesday, July 7, 2020


Not everything you face can be changed,
but everything you change must first be faced.


Contents of Ideas for Today
1. Message of the Day - ZAP HINDRANCES
2. Did You Know?
3. Habit of the Day
4. Family Reminder of the Day
5. Quote of the Day
6. Question of the Day
7. From the Trenches - NORMAL
8. More Info
**Learn how to get organized with Marsha's (FREE) YouTube videos!**

**With the SOS Organizing Program, you can learn to get organized! Only $27 per month.  Click here for more information.**

***If you are having problems with this Yahoo Groups mailing, you can click here to subscribe on Blogger to receive the exact same messages every day.***
1. Message of the Day - ZAP HINDRANCES

In organizing,  one disorganized thing leads to another.
Slowly a long train of undone jobs develops.

Example: You cannot move the dishes out of the sink or off the counter because the dishwasher is full.

Example: You can't reach the Christmas decorations because there is too much clutter in the way.

Example: You can't make the bed because there are clothes lying on the bed you haven't hung up. You haven't hung them up because the closet is crowded with items you haven't weeded out as yet.

Yes, it is true. One disorganized thing leads to another. Zap hindrances before they develop. Keep on top of one clutter and an organized life will flow more easily.

2. Did You Know?

Don't forget the daily reminders!!!
The daily Reminders and How-To's are found on our website at "How to Begin" http://www.messies.com/

The NEW and IMPROVED KEEP IT SUPER SIMPLE Flipper is available!

The  K.I.S.S. Flipper has fresh ideas on how to move through your home, 
day by day, room by room, with simple choices for maintenance and organizing. 
It will gently guide you through the process of creating clear and shining surfaces
throughout out your home!

With the NEW K.I.S.S. Flipper all you have to do to is FLIP through the spiral-bound,
sequentially numbered, full-color job idea cards.  No more sliding cards into sleeves; 
the NEW K.I.S.S. Flipper is ready to use out of the package.  When you are ready
to begin, make a few simple choices each day from one card and you will be on your
way to a clutter-free and well maintained home.

Introductory price $26.00 US postage included
Available NOW !!!

Go to the link below to order you NEW K.I.S.S. Flipper today.

3. Habit of the Day

Make one de-cluttering goal to complete by the end of the day. 

Maybe it will be to clear the surfaces near the front door. 
Or perhaps clear coffee table and sofa end tables so that they shine!

4. Family Reminder of the Day

In our family, we dry, fold, and put up our clothes as one continuous job.

In our family, we make sure all trash goes into the trash basket.

5. Quote of the Day

Yesterday is a canceled check;
tomorrow is a promissory note;
today is the only cash you have.
Spend it wisely.


6. Question of the Day

Have you chosen one of the suggestions given above in the Message of the Day? How has it worked for you?

Tell us by posting on Friends-of-The-Organizer-Lady.

7. From the Trenches - NORMAL

I started cleaning houses to learn how to clean. I am extremely good at scrub cleaning but still have to work at organizing things and throwing things away and giving things a home. It took me 10 years to relearn and change my messy habits. My attachment to pieces of paper and stuff is a nightmare I do not have to daily live anymore. I am "free" to throw something away and realize I may need it later, but if I do, the pain of not having something is not as bad as not being able to find anything.

My house is not immaculate by any means, but if you said you'd be over in thirty minutes, I would not go ballistic or get in a tizzy. I can now have people over without embarrassment. I am more normal now than ever and when I die, my children won't have to just throw everything away. They can go through and pick what they like before the rest get there :). Thank you for your interest.
Sincerely,  Gayle

8. More Info

This is a simple program. We stick with the basics as they are presented in these messages. Keep reading. Keep adding one part of the program at a time.

Repetition is important.
Forward to friends if desired but not to other sites.
Read this whole posting or only what you can take in today,then delete it.

9. Extra Help

Got a messy room that never gets better?
John said, I’ve had the messiest room for the last year.  In one session my room is no longer messy.  It’s more organized than it’s ever been.
10. Free YouTube Videos

Are you at home thinking about the organizing you need to get done? Take a look at our SOS program designed to jumpstart your organizing immediately. Buy now:  https://sortitout.thinkific.com/courses/SOS-Organizing-Program  For more information: http://www.sortitout.net/sos-solutions-solutions-program-sf 


Please memorize this slogan and post it on your wall.

The secret to success is making very small, yet very consistent, changes.

Or to make it short; Baby steps, baby steps in the right direction.

118 © Sandra Felton 2010

THE ORGANIZER LADY® is a registered trademark
of Sandra Felton, founder of Messies Anonymous.

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