Saturday, July 18, 2020


More Beatitudes for Messies

Blessed is the Messie who forgives herself for years wasted in messy living and the joys she and her family have lost because of it.

by Sandra Felton, THE ORGANIZER LADY®
Contents of New Ideas for Today
1. Message of the Day - GROUPS THINGS, YES!
2. Habit of the Day
3. Family Reminder of the Day
4. Quote of the Day
5. Question of The Day
6. From the Trenches - DEPRESSION
7. More Help Here
8. More Information
**The Messies Anonymous website,, is back up!  Thank you for your patience.**

***If you are having problems with Yahoo Groups mailing, you can subscribe to to receive the exact same messages.***
1. Message of the Day


One of the best habits that keeps me organized is one that came late in my organizational "recovery."

My old habit was to try to clump together tasks to be done. Especially things to be put back in place. If I needed to replace the scissors in the next room, I would postpone the job until I had some reason to go into that room. Frequently I would forget the scissors
when I went there. In the meantime, the scissors were cluttering up a table on which they did not belong and they were not in their assigned place when someone looked for them. There would be a lot of calls around the house, "Does anybody know where the scissors are?" Then followed conversation of who used them where last and the search was on.

When this happens with enough items, clutter piles up and confusion reigns.

Now my firm resolve is to put things up even if it is inconvenient. I try to apply the rule to "Put speed between the need and the deed." It seems inefficient but it really saves time. It is one of the most powerful new habits I have developed to maintain order.

Remember to STOW AS YOU GO!

2. Habit of the Day


Just for today, don't leave a job until you have completed the job and put everything away.

Remember, your commitment to this is for this one day only.

3. Family Reminder of the Day

Pick one of these reminders or make one of your own to share with your family each day.

In our family, we take responsibility for completing the chores assigned to us.

In our family, we don't complain about our responsibilities.

4. Quote of the Day

The bitterness of living in a mess remains long after the sweetness of resting is forgotten.

Sandra Felton

It's hard to put forth the effort to do the work but, boy, after it is done it makes us feel so-o-o-o good.

5. Question of the Day

What five minute job(s) will you do? Name them clearly. When you name them, your resolve becomes stronger.

Tell us by posting on Friends-of-The-Organizer-Lady.

This is a simple program. We stick with the basics as they are presented in these cycling messages.

6. From the Trenches - DEPRESSION

From Martha to a discouraged Messie

When we are depressed everything seems so overwhelming, even the little things. That is why it is important to start with something small, like doing dishes always and work yourself up to a regular routine. You will stay with it and just continue to keep working, with small jobs. As you see one done, you develop pride and it is easier to go to the next one. The important thing is not to try to do it all at once. You can't get it done in one day. Just slowly do a little each day, maybe l5 minutes at a time and take a break. Relax and then another l5 minutes. Having support from people like on this list helps us to as we see we are not alone. Please don't get discouraged. We will all help each other.

Thanks to Martha

For a complete list of helpful on-line groups please visit


The NEW and IMPROVED K.I.S.S. (KEEP IT SUPER SIMPLE) Flipper is available!

The  K.I.S.S. Flipper has fresh ideas on how to move through your home, day by day, room by room, with simple choices for maintenance and organizing.  It will gently guide you through the process of creating clear and shining surfaces throughout out your home!

With the NEW K.I.S.S. Flipper all you have to do to is FLIP through the spiral-bound,
sequentially numbered, full-color job idea cards.  No more sliding cards into sleeves; 
the NEW K.I.S.S. Flipper is ready to use out of the package.  When you are ready
to begin, make a few simple choices each day from one card and you will be on your
way to a clutter-free and well maintained home.

Free BONUS:  Once you order, you will also receive the "K.I.S.S. eBooklet" via email to learn the "Hows and Whys" of the system while you wait for your  Flipper, so you will be ready to start the day your Flipper arrives.

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Go to the link below to order you NEW K.I.S.S. Flipper today.


One of a kind design for home maintenance, The Super Flipper by Sand...

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This is a simple program. We stick with the basics as they are presented in these messages. Keep reading. Keep adding one part of the program at a time.

Repetition is important.
Forward to friends if desired but not to other sites.
Read this whole posting or only what you can take in today, then delete it.

Don't forget the daily reminders!!!
The daily Reminders and How-To's are found on our website at
"How to Begin"

Are you still interested in getting organized?
If so, let us know!

10. FREE YouTube VIDEOS:


 Are you at home thinking about the organizing you need to get done? Take a look at our SOS program designed to jumpstart your organizing immediately. Buy now:  For more information: 


Please memorize this slogan and post it on your wall.

The secret to success is making very small, yet very consistent, changes.

Or to make it short; Baby steps, baby steps in the right direction.

Never underestimate the inevitability of gradualness.

9 © 2010 Sandra Felton

The Organizer Lady® is a registered trademark of
Sandra Felton, founder of Messies Anonymous.

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